Sunday, March 20, 2011

tag team: are you ready for some football?

although we are in the middle of march madness and on the brink of baseball season, today, k:designs and k:plays are all about the pigskin.

Drew Brees participating in the NFL's Play60 Program

Although the NFL's Play 60 program was launched back in 2007, it has received new support from First Lady Michelle Obama as part of her commitment to reducing childhood obesity.  Play60 is a program designed to get kids to play (adults call it exercise) for at least 60 minutes every day.  School programs, flag football leagues, the NFL has set up a great website to give kids, parents, and educators great ideas for keeping active.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

food for thought: dumb jock

The NCAA just released a new psa to dispel the "dumb jock" myth.  NCAA Division 1 athletes get higher SAT & ACT scores than college-bound students and African-American student-athletes have a 10% higher graduation rate then their non-athlete counterparts.  You can watch the commercial here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

tag team: dog days

time for another tag team!  and this ones all about the dogs....
photo from the 2010 Dog Jog

Parks-4-Pups is hosting a Dog Jog to benefit Woods Humane Society and a new dog park in Paso Robles.  The Dog Jog features a variety of prizes including one for the Best Dressed Dog.  If you've got your eye on this prize, you might want to head over to k:designs to check out the hippest dog store around.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

pup perks - courtroom therapy dog

Macy, a golden retriever lab mix, has been hired on by Smith County in Texas to comfort abused children while they are in the courtroom.  The reason?  Dogs have the ability to comfort children in a way that humans can't...particularly in intimating and overwhelming situations like appearing in court.  high five, Macy.

rain delay

I was supposed to coach at a youth softball clinic tomorrow but rain (and hail - nearly unheard of here on the coast of CA) has put a damper on those plans.  :-(

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

food for thought: kids with dogs exercise more

several studies (like the one posted by msnbc or the university of london) show that kids with dogs get more exercise.  while this might not come as a surprise, it supports my strong belief that families benefit by having a dog (and not just the other way around) in the home.  heck, i have a dog, and i ran a marathon last year!  get healthy, get active, get a dog!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

swatch: newport beach

here is a little collection of my city-swatches from a recent day trip to newport beach.  you can click the image to enlarge it and get a better view.  i can't believe all this sunshine and warm weather in january!  gotta love california!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

tag team: livestrong

 photo courtesy of the lance armstrong foundation

ok, ok, say what you want about Lance Armstrong, but despite all the badmouthing, his charity is pure gold ... or shall we say, yellow.  Livestrong has raised over $352 million dollars for cancer support, research and education.  you can check out their website to read about all the amazing work they do or visit their blog to join the team and start training for a Livestrong event.... run, ride, and tri

tag team:  check out the new Livestrong [LEED Gold] Headquarters Building over at k:designs

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gear: Water Bottle

 the alex water bottle via design milk

my gripe with water bottles (especially the stainless steel kind) has always been that they are extremely difficult to clean.  enter the "Always Live EXtrodinarily" water bottle (alex for short) which unscrews into 3 parts, making the cleaning process much more easy...and thorough.  it comes in two sizes, a variety of colors (i'm partial to the black and hot pink combo) and of course, is BPA free, so drink up!