Sunday, November 28, 2010

food for thought: workout at work

Jason Calacanis, CEO of Mahalo

and everyone in my 5th year studio thought i was nuts for leaving lab to go for a run every day.  HA!  this is what i'm talkin' about!....

how to foster workplace productivity with food and fitness

Gear: Foam Roller

definitely could have used a foam roller when I was training for my marathon.  maybe for the next one i'll get TriggerPoint's Grid foam roller - its gotten excellent reviews and my calves are already calling....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gear: Band-Aid MP3

 via Inhabitat

i love it when two of my worlds collide... and today, sustainability met sport.  The Skinny Player is a band-aid sized mp3 player that is powered by body heat.  get out!  and run cord-free.  :-)