Saturday, February 26, 2011

pup perks - courtroom therapy dog

Macy, a golden retriever lab mix, has been hired on by Smith County in Texas to comfort abused children while they are in the courtroom.  The reason?  Dogs have the ability to comfort children in a way that humans can't...particularly in intimating and overwhelming situations like appearing in court.  high five, Macy.

rain delay

I was supposed to coach at a youth softball clinic tomorrow but rain (and hail - nearly unheard of here on the coast of CA) has put a damper on those plans.  :-(

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

food for thought: kids with dogs exercise more

several studies (like the one posted by msnbc or the university of london) show that kids with dogs get more exercise.  while this might not come as a surprise, it supports my strong belief that families benefit by having a dog (and not just the other way around) in the home.  heck, i have a dog, and i ran a marathon last year!  get healthy, get active, get a dog!